
Welcome to the birthdays page! This page serves as an archive of birthday messages by characters. It includes their birthday message, as well as their birthday photo. 

Below are the three most recent birthday messages. To view older messages, click/tap the drop down arrow in the 'Previous Birthdays' section located near the bottom of the page.

Ophelia's birthday - July 1, 2024

Hello Traveler and it's been a while since I last saw you, but that's good, isn't it? It means there isn't any disease going around the dream world to worry about. And well well, what's this all about?

Today I came into work expecting the usual monthly meeting with the other big chiefs of the DPF to discuss important information and data, but I ended up being surprised with a birthday cake. This is definitely one meeting I wouldn't miss for the world.

This is a very generous and kind gesture by my fellow chiefs. I came into this position almost exactly a year ago and I didn't expect myself to conform so quickly. Truthfully, I was welcomed with open arms. Everyone has been incredible and I owe them all for getting this far.

Looks like there's just enough slices of cake for everyone. Feel free to join and dig in.  - Ophelia

Porter's birthday - June 1, 2024

Hello Traveler! Fancy seeing you here again! Today you find me at the Cafe working on my latest article for the Subliminal Tribune- but then again, when aren't I in here?!

My fellow reporter and wonderful friend, Arial, is also here with me! You've met her right? She's wonderful! We are working to proofread our writing before we submit it to our editors. Oh yeah! It's my birthday!

Today I turn 31 but I don't feel like it? I definitely still feel like I'm in my twenties. The dream world slowed my aging down and wow do I feel great for 31! I guess that calls for a little celebration...

You can join us along and help out with our writing! You can also get a slice of this cake here that Arial brought along, but only if you join us. Thanks for stopping by to wish my a happy birthday! Now let's get down to business.... Trust me, writing can be cool!  - Porter

Epsilon's birthday - May 10, 2024

Hello again Traveler. It feels as if it was just yesterday that we were travelling worlds on that little adventure we had together. Today is another adventure, in a way. For me, at least.

Today is my birthday and this year, Dylan and Almoral teamed up to have my birthday party take place at the Parlor. It's pretty wet out there, but it's quite cozy in here. We ordered pepperoni pizza, unless you have an eye for another option?

My birthday in recent years have been spent with Dylan and Almoral. Of course, we are the "Three Amigos" gang so we naturally stick together. It's always an adventure with these two, but it's like Dylan says- what's life without a little adventure?

Ah, I see Almoral has brought our pizza. The dessert will probably be later, so I hope I don't get too full from eating pizza. Thank you for coming to partake in my pizza birthday party. Would you care for a slice?  - Epsilon

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